The taboo of sexual dysfunction is common. Many healthcare providers are uncomfortable asking questions about sexual health. For men with type 2 diabetes, erectile dysfunction has been shown to precede the development of coronary heart disease. Men with Type 2 diabetes who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) have a 58% increased risk of heart attack or death. The presence of ED should be investigated by healthcare providers during every office visit or diabetes education session. Patients need to know that erectile dysfunction is an important warning sign of coronary heart disease.
According to research completed in Italy, erectile dysfunction often precedes and predicts heart disease in men with silent coronary heart disease. Several Hundred men with Type 2 diabetes and silent coronary artery disease were followed for 4 years. Angiographic imaging demonstrated evidence of plaque build-up in their coronary arteries, but these patients did not have typical symptoms of coronary heart disease such as angina.
Men with Type 2 diabetes need to know about the serious implications associated with ED. Health care providers and diabetes educators need to inform men with Type 2 diabetes about the strong connection between ED and heart disease. Erectile dysfunction is not just about sexual health in these patients, it could mean life or death.
Christine Mealey RN, MSN, CDE
According to research completed in Italy, erectile dysfunction often precedes and predicts heart disease in men with silent coronary heart disease. Several Hundred men with Type 2 diabetes and silent coronary artery disease were followed for 4 years. Angiographic imaging demonstrated evidence of plaque build-up in their coronary arteries, but these patients did not have typical symptoms of coronary heart disease such as angina.
Men with Type 2 diabetes need to know about the serious implications associated with ED. Health care providers and diabetes educators need to inform men with Type 2 diabetes about the strong connection between ED and heart disease. Erectile dysfunction is not just about sexual health in these patients, it could mean life or death.
Christine Mealey RN, MSN, CDE